LissonUp News

CQC Feedback
15th Apr

Please give feedback on your care to CQC

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is assessing how people access Lisson Grove and Woolwell Medical Centres and how the service is listening and involving people and would like to hear about your experience.


You can share your experience with CQC by 29 April 2024 by completing an online form using this link 

Coming soon
12th Apr

Important Notice for Our Patients: Transition to Total Triage System

Dear Patients, We hope this message finds you well. This is to inform you about an important update to the way our GP surgery will be operating in the future. In our ongoing efforts to improve patient care and access to our services, we will be transitioning to a Total Triage System. We currently anticipate these changes to start from 22nd April 2024 but we will keep you updated.
We understand that any change can bring questions and concerns, so we want to take this opportunity to explain what this means for you and why we are making this change. We have included a comprehensive explanation about Total Triage and what the changes will mean to the practice and our patients, you can read more here:
We are committed to providing the highest standard of care to our community, and we believe that moving to a Total Triage System is a significant step forward in achieving this goal. We understand that changes can be challenging, but we are here to support you every step of the way.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Best Wishes
Lisson Grove and Woolwell Medical Centres
Appts Survey
5th Apr

Share your opinion: Accessing an appointment

We're asking questions about making an appointment with us, If you have been in touch with the practice recently to book an appointment please let us know about your experience. 
These surveys are short and anonymous for gathering opinions on specific areas, if you would like to discuss your care please contact the practice. Thank you for sharing your opinion with us and helping us to improve!
Lissonwell logo Round
13th Mar

Staff Shortages

We would like to apologise for the current delays in processing calls and requests due to unforeseen circumstances. We understand the frustration and inconvenience caused by this situation and extend our sincerest apologies to all affected patients.

Recently, our call handling team has experienced a higher than usual rate of sickness, resulting in limited staffing capacity to address incoming calls and requests promptly. Despite our efforts to manage the situation efficiently, the unexpected absence of team members has led to unavoidable delays.

In response to this issue, we have taken steps to mitigate the impact on patient care and we have recruited additional staff to bolster our call handling team. However, we acknowledge that it will take some time to train these new recruits to ensure they meet our high standards of service excellence. We sincerely hope for the swift recovery of our team members who are currently unwell and look forward to welcoming them back as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we kindly request patients to consider using our online request forms wherever possible. Our online form offers a convenient and efficient way to submit non-urgent requests, appointments, and queries, which will help alleviate the strain on our phone lines during this period.

We are committed to providing the highest quality of care to our patients, and we deeply regret any inconvenience caused by these delays. Rest assured, we are working tirelessly to restore a normal service and to ensure that all patient needs are met in a timely manner.

Further to the above we are currently planning some major changes to how we manage all requests to ensure that no matter how they are received, they are dealt with fairly and prioritised by clinical need. There will be more details soon where we will explain further about how your calls, online and other requests will be dealt with. The aim being to remove some of the inefficiencies in our system and make the process quicker, clearer and easier not only for patients but also for our staff and get the appropriate response first time.

For further assistance or enquiries, please visit our website at

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this challenging time.

Closed 19.03.2024
1st Mar

Upcoming closure for staff training

We'll be closing our doors on Tuesday 19th March for some essential team training. We won't be gone for long and normal hours will resume first thing Wednesday.
We're still here if you need us, if you have an urgent clinical need that cannot wait until we reopen, please call 01752 20555 and our voicemail will direct you. As always, if you have a life threatening emergency please call 999.
Closure from 13:00 Tuesday 19th March 2024 until 08:00 Wednesday 20th March 2024
Thank you for your patience
Preview of feedback survey
22nd Jan

Share your opinion: Contacting us

We're asking questions about making contact with the practice, If you have been in touch with the practice recently please let us know about the initial contact. This might be a phone call to the practice, a 'contact us' form or in person at the surgery.
These surveys are short and anonymous for gathering opinions on specific areas, if you would like to discuss your care please contact the practice. Thank you for sharing your opinion with us and helping us to improve!
Blue Monday
15th Jan

15 tips to prioritise your health and wellbeing

Blue Monday this year is on Jan 15th 2024, so we've put together 16 tips that might help you prioritise your health and wellbeing; and ensure that you are able to take some time out today, or any day for that matter, to focus on you:

  • Talk to someone who makes you feel safe. This could be family, a friend, a neighbour or a professional. Sometimes just a chat can make you feel much better.
  • Work on your sleep routine. Sleep is important to wellbeing and structure can help. There’s nothing wrong with having a set bedtime!
  • We can't expect miracles of ourselves. You're not a superhero, it’s hard to meet life's demands sometimes. On any given day, our best is enough, and our best is different on different days; that’s okay, that is normal.
  • Celebrate your wins! Write down 3 things you've achieved today, even if that's 'just' getting out of bed, facing the day can be enough of an achievement.
  • Just breathe. Breathe in slowly through the nose to the count of 3, then exhale through the mouth to the count of 6. (Be careful with breathing exercises is you’re pregnant or have health risks!)
  • Blow away the cobwebs. Spend a bit of time outside for fresh air and daylight, and with the long nights, maybe consider if you are getting enough Vitamin D.
  • Set some little goals for your day to help with sense of purpose. Water the plants, walk the dog, finish that jigsaw, whatever works for you. 
  • Eat regular and healthy meals to ensure your body is well fuelled. Finding the time to eat well can often be really difficult. If you have times when you're feeling well and enjoying preparing food, try making some extra meals to store. 
  • Try mindfulness apps on your phone, they can provide really useful techniques.
  • Make a Mental Health First Aid Kit. Keep some of your favourite things in a box for the really rough days. Break out that good coffee, a feel-good book, the hidden chocolate, a face mask or craft kit to treat yourself, and maybe add details for Mental health helplines just in case.
  • Make time for your favourite things, If something helps you relax, try to fit it into your day. Some people find art, walking, or a bath can help
  • If you find that being on your phone or computer a lot is making you feel busier and more stressed, try to take a break. Give yourself a digital detox for an hour or so. (Be careful not to isolate yourself though!)
  • Look after yourself. Self-care and hygiene, like brushing your teeth or having a shower can be hard sometimes, but it is important for your health and can help you feel better. If you’re really struggling, try to start small and work your way up, like freshening up with baby wipes or a chewable toothbrush.
  • Write yourself a love letter. When you're feeling good, think about what you would want to tell your future self if things get tough and you find you need more support. Reminding yourself of what's keeping you positive right now can help you through more difficult times in the future.
  • Most importantly be kind to yourself, it's okay not to be okay.

If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, don’t ignore it.

Find out more about mental health here:

Lissonwell Christmas Card
22nd Dec 2023

Christmas Closure

We close today for Christmas (You snow the drill!) so we're wishing very happy holidays to you and yours! This is the perfect opportunity for us to say well done to our team for their incredible hard work and dedication, and also to say a big thank you to our lovely patients for all of their support this year!
We're closed for the bank holidays, but we'll be open on the 27th, 28th and 29th Dec, before we go back to normal on 2nd Jan 2024. So on behalf of all of us in Team Lissonwell... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! 
Closed 1.12.23
1st Dec 2023

Closure for staff training

We'll be closing our doors this afternoon for some essential team training. We won't be gone for long and normal hours will resume first thing Monday. We're still here if you need us, if you have an urgent clinical need that cannot wait until we reopen, please call 01752 20555 and our voicemail will direct you. As always, if you have a life threatening emergency please call 999.
Closure from 13:00 Friday 1st December until 08:00 Monday 4th December
Thank you for your patience
World Mental Health Day 2023
10th Oct 2023

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day (10 Oct) is a day to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters. It’s also a day to let people know that it’s okay to ask for help, no matter what you’re going through. 
For NHS advice and support visit:
Stoptober Circle Image
22nd Sep 2023

Stop smoking and good things happen

Stoptober is back, calling on smokers in England to join the 2.5 million others who have made a quit attempt with the campaign since it first launched. Over 5 million adults in England still smoke, and it remains the biggest behavioural cause of preventable illness and death, with 64,000 deaths a year.

This year's Stoptober mass quit attempt is as important as ever, with quitting remaining one of the best things a smoker can do for their health. That’s why this year’s Stoptober campaign is encouraging smokers to join the thousands of others who are committing to quitting for the month of October – quit smoking for 28 days and you’re five times more likely to quit for good. When you stop smoking good things start to happen - quitting will allow you to start moving better, breathe more easily and give you more money to spend.

Stoptober offers a range of free quitting tools including: the NHS Quit Smoking app, Facebook messenger bot, Stoptober Facebook online communities, daily emails and SMS, and an online Personal Quit Plan tool. It provides information and advice on proven quitting methods: the range of stop smoking aids, including further information on how vaping can help you quit, and expert support from local Stop Smoking Services. Just search ‘Stoptober’ for more information or visit the Better Health Quit Smoking Website.

11th Aug 2023

Coping with Fireworks

We know many of our Plymouth Locals are eagerly anticipating the upcoming British Firework Championships on the 16th and 17th August 2023. However, while fireworks bring excitement to many, they can also be a source of distress for some individuals, such as veterans, people with sensory processing disorders, and those with autism, as well as people affected by community trauma.

To ensure that everyone can enjoy the event in a way that works for them, we've compiled a list of tips to help manage through the fireworks display.

Tips for coping with Fireworks:

  • Be Prepared: Before the fireworks commence at 21:30, take some time to plan your evening. Decide whether you want to watch the fireworks, make alternate plans, or stay comfortably at home. Prioritise your comfort and well-being. 
  • Identify triggers and Use Sensory Aids: For those who find the bright lights, strong smells, or loud sounds of fireworks overwhelming, consider using sensory aids. Ear defenders, essential oils, or soothing music can provide a sense of comfort and help manage sensory triggers.
  • It's good to talk: If you are finding fireworks hard to deal with tell someone close to you and make sure they know how you would like them to support you if you need them. 
  • Grounding yourself: Identify some things you see around you, focusing on how they look, smell, feel, sound or taste. This can help bring you into the present moment, especially if you're feeling overwhelmed or experiencing vivid memories. 
  • Breathe: If fireworks are causing anxiety, use your breath to calm your body. Breathe at a pace that feels comfortable and ensure that your out-breaths are long and slow to help calm you down and reduce your anxiety. 
  • Distractions: Some people find the best way to manage is to provide a distraction. If you don’t want to go outside, try playing predictable music, a favourite TV show or even computer game that will cover the sound. 
  • Prepare for Road Closures: Many roads in Plymouth close early to prepare for the event. Make sure you have a safe route to wherever you would like to be in plenty of time, and if you choose to attend the event make sure you are able to leave if you need to. 
  • Second Hand Stress: It can be hard to remain calm if people around you are anxious too, this also goes for pets. If your furry family members are prone to anxiety because of fireworks, make sure you have plans to support them too, so you don’t have surprise loud noises or extra worries. 
  • Watch Online: If you'd like to be part of the experience without attending in person, the firework shows are often live-streamed online, allowing you to enjoy the event from the comfort of your own home. 

We hope these tips help you make the most of the upcoming British Fireworks Championships while prioritising your comfort and wellbeing.

Please note that we are not affiliated with the British Firework Championships. For more about the event please visit:

Welcome Wagon
28th Jul 2023

The Welcome Wagon

A warm welcome to our new starters getting settled into the reception team! We’re in the process of setting up and training our newest team members so please bear with us while we get them up to speed.

We also have new additions to the clinical team, nursing team, and our regular pool of locum doctors. We will also have some news very soon about another GP due to be joining us in September.

We are also looking forward to having Dr Gillard back on site with us over the coming months.

We hope you’ll give them a warm welcome!

GP Patient Survey
26th Jul 2023

NHS GP Patient Survey

You may have already seen the GP Survey results in the news, while the coverage may not always be ideal, we’re glad to see awareness being raised as it helps find out what’s going well and what could be better. If you haven’t seen the coverage, patients were asked at random by the NHS to submit a survey for their GP practice, these results are then released centrally by the NHS.

Generally, we have mixed feelings about our results, it highlights areas we should look at and helps us to appreciate the areas we are best at. We have been told that our locality received better results than we would normally expect, which is great news, albeit a little surprising due to the survey unfortunately occurring during a Flu and Strep-A crisis which added additional pressure to local services! Regardless, we are a little disappointed with our practice result and are already planning long term solutions to big issues while attempting some quick fixes in the meantime.

Many of the improvements we have already put in place are taking time to have noticeable improvements, such as the telephone system implemented six months ago, while this is hugely improving waiting times, it is less notable by patients who are less regularly in contact with the practice. 

Fortunately, we are thrilled with how our team scored, both reception and the clinical team scored very well, we’re really glad people are recognising our great staff who are doing the best they can with NHS pressures. Internally we are doing our best to help support staff morale and remind our team that issues around access and systems are not the fault of any of the front-line team and the importance of remembering that.

We are aware of other things that cause frustration for patients getting through to us, like the methods of booking appointments which we are considering solutions for. Of course, we would like to improve our scores, but our main aim is and will always be, to provide the best care, for the most people, in the most need and in the most efficient way. If you have any ideas or feedback about improving the patient journey, then please let us know.

NHS Birthday
5th Jul 2023

A Big Birthday 🎂

The 5th of July marks the 75th birthday of our NHS!
We hope you'll join us in saying a huge thank you to our team of amazing nurses, doctors, HCAs, cleaners, administrators, receptionists, and to everyone else at Lissonwell, for EVERYTHING they do! 
And from all of Team Lissonwell, thank you to our colleagues in the NHS, to the patients who support us, and to everyone who helps keep the wheels turning. The NHS wouldn't be the NHS without you 💙
New Frames
7th Jun 2023

We've Been Framed!

Have you spotted our new poster wall?

We've set up a shiny new section of posters in our Lisson Grove Reception foyer and we're already excitedly getting them filled up with useful information.

We're planning to display a mix of information about local services, ways to give feedback and other NHS services.

If there is something you would like to see more of in our displays, please let us know!

Room Signs
22nd May 2023

The Name Game

We're renaming our rooms! After some debate and group discussions we have decided to theme our rooms around trees, birds and flowers to help us and patients better navigate and communicate! We hope the new names will be more welcoming and clear. 

  • Woolwell rooms are now named after plants and flowers, such as Arnica, Tulip and Thistle
  • Lisson Grove ground floor rooms are named after trees, such as Oak, Pine and Hazel
  • Lisson Grove upstairs rooms are named after birds, such as Sparrow, Robin and Dove

Signage and systems are being updated gradually, so apologies for any confusion in the meantime! We hope you like our new system, please let us know if you have any concerns or suggestions!

5 Star Patient Review
10th May 2023

Thank you for your feedback ❤️

We always love hearing your feedback, whether that's a glowing compliment or an area we can improve. We get lots of really helpful comments from patients so we're going to start posting some of them here, but we'll take out names and dates to keep it anonymous! 📣 
You can leave us a review on google or here: NHS UK - Leave a Review